
At TSG, I worked closely with Regions Hospital Foundation to raise awareness of and funding for the new, state-of-the-art, HealthPartners Neuroscience Center. Our team art directed and designed all marketing materials—from brochures to landing pages to photography—providing HealthPartners with a toolkit and image library to utilize across channels. We collaborated with the foundation, neurologists and patients to make neurological diseases personal, by showcasing how the research and treatments positively impact patients. The capital campaign raised nearly $10 million to complete the Center.

Photography: Joel Larson


Over two days our crew shot a comprehensive photo library for capital campaign materials and HealthPartners marketing and communcations teams. The library featured Regions Hospital physicians and scenic shots of the hospital's exterior and interior. Humanizing patients and physicians was the top priority.

Pictured: Patient Carmel Ayotte and husband Ray.

Carmel and Ray Ayotte's story was featured in the capital campaign. After being diagnosed with mild cognitive impairment (MCI) in 2013, Carmel decided to do everything in her power to combat her disease, even if her efforts only benefitted future patients. She and Ray have participated in multiple clinic trials and studies related to memory, dementia and neurology. It was the Ayotte's personal journey that connected with donors and the community. 

Selected Works

BLVD AutoworksNaming + Branding

Good & GatherArt Direction

MOBCONEvent Design


© 2023 Oryx and Moth, LLC